Performancepreis Schweiz
Prix Suisse de la Performance
Premio Svizzero del la Performance
Swiss Performance Art Award
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marc norbert hörler
marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathé
marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathé
marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathé
marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathé
marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathé
marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathé
marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathé
marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Swiss Performance Art Award 2022, Video: Christoph Oertli